Patrick Wang
Campaign Site / 2012/09
The purpose of the event website is to promote Taiwan Mobile’s Smart Cloud service and the exclusive Evernote Premium app. It features two short films, “Life REMIX Together” and “Imagination Makes Life Fun,” to showcase how mobile cloud services can connect with our daily lives. The website also enables users to interact in real-time via their mobile devices.
The first video allows users to scan a QR code, then enter text they want to remix on a mobile webpage. After submitting, they can use a keyboard on a computer webpage to remix the text they entered on their phone within an interactive video. This feature combines Node.js and Microsoft© Speech SDK technologies.
The second video allows users to upload images via their mobile devices, then add elements such as the Moby monster on the website. This encourages users to unleash their imagination and create their own unique works.
Node.js, Microsoft Speech SDK, ActionScript 3, Facebook JS SDK, ASP.NET(C#), jQuery
Yahoo Big Idea Chair Award 2013 – BEST MOBILE AD AWARD